jueves, 20 de julio de 2023

Fraude de Michael Rich Clifford donde nos anuncia que es un tremendo genio y puede hacer que ganemos MILLONES con su metodo infalible de trading

Lean atentamente este post, contiene un fraude muy comun en internet y llega a traves de diversos medios, el mas frecuente es email o correo electronico y el hacerle caso es sumamente perjudicial, ya que piden datos personales a traves de una historia que cambia con el tiempo, pero que es muy dificil de ignorar, la premisa ante este tipo de correos, es siempre IGNORARLOS y REPORTARLOS como SPAM, de esa manera los servicios que proveen direcciones de correo electronico, podran bloquearlos y asi evitar el daño que causan, POR FAVOR jamas haga caso a un email de un desconocido con una historia desgarradora o muy increible para ser verdad y en caso de que suene veridica, aun asi consulte con alguien que sepa mas que ustedes en temas de seguridad informatica y JAMAS ENVIE INFORMACION PERSONAS A TRAVES DE NINGUN MEDIO.

Un abrazo y envien por favor posteen su dudas o preguntas en la seccion de comentarios.

Adios y Exito en todo.

Mirko Prado




de:fractalerts info@fractalerts.com
responder a:fractalerts <info@fractalerts.com>
fecha:21 oct. 2019 15:15
asunto:My Father Has Spent 27 Days In Outer Space
enviado por:fractalerts.com
seguridad: Encriptación estándar (TLS) Más información

¿Por qué está en la carpeta Spam este mensaje?

Es similar a mensajes que se identificaron como spam en el pasado.

I grew up utterly surrounded and immersed
in math, physics and science


If you demand consistent double digit returns with little to no time spent trading...fractalerts is perfect for you.

I built the first version of the fractalerts system in 2004.

I made some money trading with it.

But by 2008 the system had gotten powerful enough that I was able to:

>> Create a new and thriving financial company... even as thousands of
business in finance were collapsing in bankruptcy.

>> Earn the business of 900 banks, hedge funds and professional traders
within the first 18 months of offering fractalerts... who have since trusted over
a billion dollars of their businesses money to my systems alerts.

>> Provide such a valuable service that our average customer stays with us for
over 5 years!

I’m proud of what I’ve built...

But it’s not what I originally set out to create.

Far from it.

It may surprise you to learn that I never cared much about investing…

Or finance...or stocks...or trading.

Not at all.

I’ve only really ever cared about one thing: math.

Yes, I am a proud “math nerd” .

It’s in my blood.

You see…

My father has spent 27 days 18 hours and 24 minutes in outer space.

I am the son of a NASA astronaut.

His name is Michael “Rich” Clifford…

My father's first mission to space was aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on
December 2, 1992.

He’s logged over 12 hours of spacewalk time over three Space Shuttle

He is also one of the first people to conduct a spacewalk while docked to an
orbiting space station.

In total he’s spent nearly a month in orbit.

To say I grew up utterly surrounded and immersed in math,
physics and science would be an understatement.

Math was the language of our house.

Math is precise.

It’s clear.

There’s no room for interpretation.

You can imagine how absolutely vital that clarity and precision is when you’re
dealing with off planet missions.

Learning this language was a gift from my father.

And yes, being the son of a real-deal space walking astronaut is as cool as it

But it also left me with some pretty big shoes to fill.

I knew I would never go to space...

But I could dedicate myself to what I loved.

I could create something out of my love of math…

Something I could put MY name on...

Something big…

So what happened?

How did I end up creating the fractalerts system?

I’ll tell you that story tomorrow…

But for now I want you to know that pure, high level mathematics is what makes the fractalerts system work where so many others fail.

You may have heard of fractals in financial media.

In fact, the word “fractal” has become something of a buzzword in recent

Unfortunately, 99% of what is described a “fractal”… isn’t.


I’m OK with everyone else getting this wrong.

You see, “fractal analysis” is a made-up term by some technical trader who
“think” they are looking at fractals.

In reality they’re just looking a series of bar charts that may look similar at one
point.. but never repeat.

Big mistake.

Here’s what they are missing…

Financial markets follow infinitely repeating patterns.

And that's exactly what fractals are.

Infinitely repeating patterns.

But within sets of data as large as financial markets it’s impossible for a
human to visually observe one.

The amount of data you’d need to absorb would dramatically exceed your

So of course these “fractal analysts” don’t make real money with their

They don’t even know what a real fractal is, much less what to do with it.

But we do…

Fractalerts identifies those patterns with a proprietary mathematical program
that factors price, volume, momentum and elapsed time.

Our approach to trading is systematic, unemotional and exact.

When new patterns are identified, we email our customers exactly what trades
we will place before we place them ourselves.

It’s because of our extreme confidence and 12 year successful track record that
we are able to be the only service to tell you what we will do, not just what we
have done.

Now here’s the best part…

Tomorrow, fractalerts is opening membership to you (limit 300 new traders).

The advanced math programs powering our alerts are clear and precise.
And anyone can make them work.

Professionals, bankers, funds and complete amateurs have all used fractalerts
for years to make consistent wins.

I’m serious...

ANYONE who has ever subscribed to fractalerts and simply traded the alerts
exactly as they came on a consistent basis…

They’ve made money.

And finally, if you want, it’ll be your turn.

Starting tomorrow.

Rich Clifford

P.S. - A lot of you have been asking “How do I actually use fractalerts?”

Over the past 12 years of trading these myself…

And watching thousands of others trade them…

I’ve really only observed two ways traders use our alerts.

1. Banks, funds and passive traders use our alerts exactly as we do. They buy when we buy and sell when we sell. Banks and funds do this to get strategy diversity. Amateurs do it because they don’t know what else to do (and because the results have very high average returns).

2. Professional or active traders use our alerts like any other indicator… as confirmation on trades. We may be in a long position for a week or so and during that time, day-traders may trade 50 times. By using our alerts as indicators, they’ll ignore sell side signals they see thereby reducing the amount of trades they place and increasing their percentage of accuracy.

So which way has historically proven to be better?

The hints to success are actually hinted at by who uses each strategy.

Consider this...

Active traders have an average lifespan of just 3 weeks.

While banks and funds, well, they’re doing just fine.

I can’t tell you how to trade.

I can only tell you what I’ve seen work best for over 12 years now.

And that’s simply to follow the lead of the banks and hedge funds by trading
the alerts exactly as they come.

Tomorrow you have a chance to join them.

But you’ll have to act fast…

This offer is only open to 300 new members and closes Sunday night.
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