miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Fraude de Mr. Mike Anderson

Lean atentamente este post, contiene un fraude muy comun en internet y llega a traves de diversos medios, el mas frecuente es email o correo electronico y el hacerle caso es sumamente perjudicial, ya que piden datos personales a traves de una historia que cambia con el tiempo, pero que es muy dificil de ignorar, la premisa ante este tipo de correos, es siempre IGNORARLOS y REPORTARLOS como SPAM, de esa manera los servicios que proveen direcciones de correo electronico, podran bloquearlos y asi evitar el daño que causan, POR FAVOR jamas haga caso a un email de un desconocido con una historia desgarradora o muy increible para ser verdad y en caso de que suene veridica, aun asi consulte con alguien que sepa mas que ustedes en temas de seguridad informatica y JAMAS ENVIE INFORMACION PERSONAS A TRAVES DE NINGUN MEDIO.

Un abrazo y envien por favor posteen su dudas o preguntas en la seccion de comentarios.

Adios y Exito en todo.

Mirko Prado




from:Mr. Mike Anderson ''www''@clear.ocn.ne.jpreply-to:westernunonplc@gmail.comto:date:Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:50 AMsubject:Your Attention Is Neededmailed-by:clear.ocn.ne.jpsecurity: ocn.ad.jp did not encrypt this message Learn more

Why is this message in Spam? It's similar to messages that were detected by our spam filters.  Learn more
Your Attention Is Needed

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,200.00 dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment total sum of USD950,000.00 via western union by this government.

I was calling your telephone number to give you the information through phone but you did not pick up my calls throughout that yesterday even this morning. Now, I decided to email you the MTCN and sender name so that you will pick up this $5,200.00 to enable us send another $5,200.00 today as you know we will be sending you only $5,200.00 per day.

Please pick up this information and run to western union to pick up the $5,200.00 and call me back to send you another payment today, My direct phone line is +254704457845, Manager Mr. Mike Anderson Email: ( westernunonplc@gmail.com ) once you picked up this $5,200.00 today. Here is the western union information to pick up the $5,200.00;

Sender’s First Name____Mike
Senders Second Name____Anderson
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___When
MTCN Number___#147-403-7148

I am waiting for your call once you pick up this $5,200.00. Please email me your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information's.


Mr. Mike Anderson


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