viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2019

Fraude de Sheri B. Bronstein, donde nos ofrece 35 Millones de Dolares... el mas alto hasta ahora, tenemos un ganador!!!

Lean atentamente este post, contiene un fraude muy comun en internet y llega a traves de diversos medios, el mas frecuente es email o correo electronico y el hacerle caso es sumamente perjudicial, ya que piden datos personales a traves de una historia que cambia con el tiempo, pero que es muy dificil de ignorar, la premisa ante este tipo de correos, es siempre IGNORARLOS y REPORTARLOS como SPAM, de esa manera los servicios que proveen direcciones de correo electronico, podran bloquearlos y asi evitar el daño que causan, POR FAVOR jamas haga caso a un email de un desconocido con una historia desgarradora o muy increible para ser verdad y en caso de que suene veridica, aun asi consulte con alguien que sepa mas que ustedes en temas de seguridad informatica y JAMAS ENVIE INFORMACION PERSONAS A TRAVES DE NINGUN MEDIO.

Un abrazo y envien por favor posteen su dudas o preguntas en la seccion de comentarios.

Adios y Exito en todo.

Mirko Prado




from:Mrs Sheri B Bronstein
reply-to:Mrs Sheri B Bronstein <>
date:Oct 26, 2018, 9:59 AM
subject:Bank Of America.Corporate Office Headquarters
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more

Why is this message in spam? 

It is similar to messages that were identified as spam in the past.
Bank Of America.Corporate Office Headquarters.
100 N. San Francisco-Oakland, California 28255 USA.
Our Ref: BOA/IRU/SFE/15.5/WD/011
Working Hours: Monday-Friday
8 a.m.-9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT)
Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT)

Hello my dear good citizen of USA how are you doing today?

A compensations funds worth $35 million us dollars that were said to belong to you was transferred to our bank corporate headquarters at Charlotte, North Carolina 28255 last month 21st by the management of the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDS (I.M.F) Benin republic branch under the authority of MR. Eliot Gold of Florida. I would have informed you of this since last month but I was too busy attending to our numerous customers. For these funds to be transferred to your private account you will have to re-confirm us with your full information including your bank details were the interest of this fund will be transfer to you.
THANKS as we wait to hear from you soon.

God bless America.
Sheri B. Bronstein,
Bank of America®
Phone number for text massage only: +19704142497


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