Lean atentamente este post, contiene un fraude muy comun en internet y llega a traves de diversos medios, el mas frecuente es email o correo electronico y el hacerle caso es sumamente perjudicial, ya que piden datos personales a traves de una historia que cambia con el tiempo, pero que es muy dificil de ignorar, la premisa ante este tipo de correos, es siempre IGNORARLOS y REPORTARLOS como SPAM, de esa manera los servicios que proveen direcciones de correo electronico, podran bloquearlos y asi evitar el daño que causan, POR FAVOR jamas haga caso a un email de un desconocido con una historia desgarradora o muy increible para ser verdad y en caso de que suene veridica, aun asi consulte con alguien que sepa mas que ustedes en temas de seguridad informatica y JAMAS ENVIE INFORMACION PERSONAS A TRAVES DE NINGUN MEDIO.
Un abrazo y envien por favor posteen su dudas o preguntas en la seccion de comentarios.
Adios y Exito en todo.
Mirko Prado
from:Mr.Godwin Emefiele<> <Emefiele7704@giga.ocn.ne.jp>reply-to:cbnbankofnigeria2018@gmail.comto:date:Oct 5, 2018, 7:09 PMsubject:CBN APPROVED PAYMENT LETTER.mailed-by:giga.ocn.ne.jpsecurity:
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Mr.Godwin Emefiele<> <Emefiele7704@giga.ocn.ne.jp> | Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 7:04 PM |
Reply-To: cbnbankofnigeria2018@gmail.com
Good to contact you this day i have just been appointed the new Governor of the CBN and on assumption in office i have seen your untreated transaction with my else while predecessor Dr. Lamido Sanusi, i have seen the records of all your payment made in the past to CBN and also have a complete files of yours here with me.
This is to let you know that your case has repeatedly coming to my Office everyday and all the complain that I have been getting all in regards to your payment with the Federal Government of Nigeria which the CBN has been involved to pay to you. Enough of this entire allegation that we have been adamant over your payment, i want you to know that we have to end everything now without further issues. I am handling this payment myself and I have approved the sum of US$10,700,000.00 for you and I don’t want to know how much you are supposed to be paid. I have a meeting with Mr. President Muhammadu Buhari and the Finance Ministry who have agreed that I should handle this payment myself and Make sure that your funds is wired into your account with immediate effect.
I want to let you know that we are securing all payment transfer papers that will delay your payment such as: The Anti Terrorist and Drug Law Clearances, Financial Service Authority (FSA), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) AND The Financial Action Task Force (on Money Laundering) (FATF). Without this Clearances nothing will be done, and with my position as the Central Bank Of Nigeria Executive Governor, you will only pay for your representative Attorney stamp and signatory of the above mentioned documents for your payment to be paid to you.
This is the only way I can help you get your long awaited payment transferred into your Bank Account or by an ATM CARD Delivery, if youare serious to receive your fund as I stated, you will have to get back to me with the listed information bellow and indicate if you wish to receive your funds through a telegraphic wire transfer or by ATM CARD delivery to your doorstep.
I will want to have a one on one conversation with you so i advise you to call me as soon as you get this mail so that i can know what actually went wrong and why you weren't paid along with others. if you want to know more about my new appointment as the BOSS of CBN please call the Nigerian government,USE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS (cbnbankofniigeria@gmail.com) AND CONTACT THE CBN PAYEE MASTER WITH YOUR DIRECT PHONE NUMBER AND PERSONAL DETAILS, ONCE YOU READ THIS EMAIL AND GET BACK TO ME WITH THE LISTED INFORMATION BELLOW.
Re-confirm to me the followings information to enable the urgent processing of your payment.
1.Beneficiary Name
2.Direct Phone number and fax
3.Personal Address.
4.Age,profession and sex.
5.Copy of ID.
Endeavor to call me as soon as you get this mail on my official number below in this mail.
Treat as top urgent.
Mr.Godwin Emefiele
Executive Governor
Central Bank of Nigeria.
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