Lean atentamente este post, contiene un fraude muy comun en internet y llega a traves de diversos medios, el mas frecuente es email o correo electronico y el hacerle caso es sumamente perjudicial, ya que piden datos personales a traves de una historia que cambia con el tiempo, pero que es muy dificil de ignorar, la premisa ante este tipo de correos, es siempre IGNORARLOS y REPORTARLOS como SPAM, de esa manera los servicios que proveen direcciones de correo electronico, podran bloquearlos y asi evitar el daño que causan, POR FAVOR jamas haga caso a un email de un desconocido con una historia desgarradora o muy increible para ser verdad y en caso de que suene veridica, aun asi consulte con alguien que sepa mas que ustedes en temas de seguridad informatica y JAMAS ENVIE INFORMACION PERSONAS A TRAVES DE NINGUN MEDIO.
Un abrazo y envien por favor posteen su dudas o preguntas en la seccion de comentarios.
Adios y Exito en todo.
Mirko Prado
from:Mrs. Rene Luo-Yong <Luo.yong@poplar.ocn.ne.jp>reply-to:"Mrs. Rene Luo-Yong" <mrs.renelyong@aol.com>to:date:Nov 17, 2018, 3:08 PMsubject:Good Day My Dear,mailed-by:poplar.ocn.ne.jpsecurity:
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Mrs. Rene Luo-Yong <Luo.yong@poplar.ocn.ne.jp> | Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 2:28 PM |
Reply-To: "Mrs. Rene Luo-Yong" <mrs.renelyong@aol.com>
Good Day My Dear, I am Mrs. Rene Luo-Yong from Korea but now in hospital. I and husband were into, Real Estate Business and a Government Contractor before my husband’s death on May 25 2012. We were married for 15 years without a child due to my fibroid problem. And since my husband's death I have been diagnosed with cancer that I hardly move around. Recently,my Doctor told me that I would not last for next 6 weeks because the cancer has gotten to a very bad stage. When my husband was alive he made a deposit of $25.500.000.00 USD. Knowing my condition I have decided to donate this money out for charity purposes. Beloved one, I want to transfer this money to you, I want you to use at least 70% of this money to visit the orphanages homes, help the poor, sick ones in the hospital and woman with cancer then take the remaining amount to take care of your home because every worker deserve his wages. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money, my relatives are not Good, they are selfish, they frustrated my marriage life, because of my condition they turned their back on me thinking nothing good will come out from me since I am SICK AND CHILDLESS moreover I and my late husband vowed to use our last wealth to help the less privileged since we have no child. Please I don't need any telephone communication at all because of my health condition. My dear, Reply me at ( mrs.renelyong@aol.com ) for more details. He who is gives to the poor lends to the lord and the lord will reward him for what he has done. Thanks and be Blessed. Mrs. Rene Luo-Yong
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